Authentic Portraits by Professional Photographer Francesca L Manner and Posture Tips before the Camera

Authentic Portraits by Professional Photographer Francesca L Manner and Posture Tips before the Camera

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Authentic Portraits by Professional Photographer Francesca L
Manner and Posture Tips before the Camera

Francesca L has developed a keen interest in photography since she was a university student. Immediately after graduation she devoted herself in the field of photojournalism and recorded news events of various kinds. “Documenting a scene or story in the format of photo is a faithful record of an era and historical moments that can last for centuries. These photos deserve to be respected and revisited.” With this belief, Francesca fuses the element of true story in her photos. After developing her own documentary photography style and skills, she started to run portrait workshops and courses on the theme of “Manner and Posture before the Camera”, helping her clients reveal their true beauty with photos that capture a candid moment and feeling.

Francesca has organized portrait workshops in Hong Kong, China and Taiwan and received great responses.

Beating the Trend with Authenticity

With photo retouching software being easily accessible these days, portraits touch-up has become a trend. Francesca recalled that some of her clients would request to touch up their photos as they were not happy with their bodies. This waste of time in post-editing can actually be avoided. Francesca said, “Learning how to posture well can result in a better body proportion, way better than digital post-editing which makes photo look unnatural. The guidance of manner and posture before the camera starts with your own body. It helps you uncover your hidden true self. With also proper scene elements, clients will look authentically stunning in their portraits.” Her workshops focusing on manner and posture help unisex clients improve their manner and outfit styling, making them look confident by showing the best of their bodies.

Francesca was demonstrating how to posture well before the camera.
Male participants can also be benefited from the tips and feel easy with the camera.

Manner and Posture Tips before the Camera

The experience of working as a photojournalist has equipped Francesca with good observation skills. She can get to know a client’s personality, find out what make him or her look best before the camera and give advice on outfit and styling in a short time. Below are some of the tips to make you look confident and stunning in your portraits.

Sitting Posture
Do not lean on the chair back. Lean toward the camera a bit with your back straight up. This way your body muscles will become firmer and your clothes will look smooth, making you appear smart and vigorous. Besides, with a straight upper body, your neck and head will be more flexible to turn for slimmer cheeks.

Standing Posture
Whether you are taking group photos or self portraits, angling your shoulders a bit toward the camera can make you look 1 to 3 inches slimmer. This of course depends on the angle you turn and the type of clothes. The difference will not be apparent if you wear a loose fit dress. However, the posture will do a great job to accentuate your body shape when you are in tight outfit.

Different visual appearances of facing the camera straight on and angling the shoulders.

Many people have a wrong perception that they tend to cover themselves up with clothes when they feel fat. In fact, an oversized outfit will only make you look small and out of shape. On the contrary, outfit with slightly tighter cutting matched with accessories that bring out your character can convey a more comfortable look.

Beauty in Photos and Beyond

Francesca hopes that her clients can discover more of their own charms after attending the workshops and create satisfactory portraits that capture every beautiful moment. Behind the camera, Francesca believes that the tips can help clients in real life as well - by making them feel confident of their unique personalities and charisma.

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