DIY Lens Effect with Easy Tricks
Modern photography often involves a lot of post-editing. Fancy some special effects without the hassle of post-editing your photos? We can DIY some simple tools to help achieve more interesting photo effects.
Apply Vaseline on Filters for Soft-Focus Effect

We can put some transparent cream-like substance such as Vaseline on the outer area of filter (never apply directly on lens!) and leave blank the central area. This will create photos with a clear center and blurry surrounding and is particularly suitable for portraits.

Use of Prism to Create Rainbow inside a Lens

A prism can refract light rays. Place it in front of the lens can create a “rainbow” on the photo. Slightly adjust the angle and position of the prism and you will get some surprising refracted light effects – sometimes even making part of the image disappear. This is a very special and playful trick to try!

Use of Plastic Bag as a Color Filter to Create Soft-Focus and Flare

Apart from the aforementioned Vaseline trick, we can also attach a hand-torn transparent plastic bag to the front of lens (for more irregular soft-focus effect, please don’t use scissors) to allow the light to pass through the bag and create soft-focus and flare. We can also paint different colors on the bag using water-based markers to create filters of varying colors.
When shooting, use the largest aperture and longest focal length as possible to blur the edges of the bag.
When shooting, use the largest aperture and longest focal length as possible to blur the edges of the bag.